Navigation and service



The website of the Stability Council is published by the

Sekretariat des Stabilitätsrates
Bundesministerium der Finanzen
11016 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 18 682 1922
Fax: +49 (0)30 18 682 3003





ITZBund (formerly ZIVIT)

Content Management System

The implementation is done with the Government Site Builder, content management solution of the federal government, based on Coremedia CMS.


All the information we provide via the Internet is carefully reviewed. We strive to keep the information updated, correct and complete. Nevertheless, errors cannot be ruled out entirely. A guarantee of completeness, correctness and validity cannot be provided.

The publisher can modify and/or terminate this website at any time without prior notice. The publisher is not obliged to update the website's contents.

Users access and utilize this website at their own risk. The Federal Highway Research Institute is not responsible or liable in any manner for damage - including direct, indirect, co-incidental, specifically pre-determined or consequential damage - attributable to, or associated with, access or use of this website.

The operator does not assume any responsibility for the contents or availability of third party websites to which links are provided here. The publisher explicitly renounces all content which might be illegal, non-indemnifiable or morally questionable.

If a user of this website enters personal or business data (e‐mail address, name, postal address) on this website such data is disclosed by the user on an expressly voluntary basis.

For privacy policy reference is made to the separate instructions.

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